Our Services
Professional Education Record Managment System (PERMS)
ACT 48 hours for school entities.
Pennsylvania Information Management Systems (PIMS)
New Hire and Existing Employee Training for state reporting
Provide charter schools with full-service state reporting support and assist with best practices from a student data standpoint (act as PIMS Administrator)
Cognos Reporting
PPID Retrieval (teacher)
PA Secure Id Retrieval (students)
Child Accounting and reconciliation (school district billing)
Student Information Management Systems
Process Improvement Analysis (build/improve/document internal processes and workflows)
Student Information System Selection process
Collaborate with student information system vendors in handling changes to PIMS reporting requirements and systems.
Coordinate and implement data exchanges and conversions.
Interpret needs and provide appropriate student information solutions.
Physical Fitness & Nutrition and Youth Athletic Development Programs
Preparing young athletes for their future by helping to develop excellent speed, agility and jumping mechanics.
Certified Personal Trainers will demonstrate how to reduce the risk of injury.
Incorporate general health and Physical Education curriculum.
Launch school-wide nutrition, fitness and wellness programs.
Provide on-site health and wellness programs/activities for school staff and employees (yoga, boot camps, and health fairs)
Professional Development Trainings
Trauma Informed Teaching Practices and Trauma Informed Care
School/Classroom Behavior Management
Truancy Prevention
Additional Service Offerings:
Educational & Instructional Materials for K-12: Tailored resources designed to enhance learning experiences in primary and secondary education.
Web Development & Management Services: Comprehensive solutions for creating, maintaining, and optimizing your online presence.
After School Program Development: Customized programs aimed at enriching students' educational and social experiences beyond the classroom.